Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ron Paul Offers Paulian Revolution

September 21st, 2008 10:35 am | by Marc Gallagher | Published in Activism, Constitution, History, Liberty, Maven Commentary, Philosophy, Politics, Ron Paul, Socialism, campaign for liberty | Comment

Paulian Revolution In Overdrive

Copernicus is credited with being the first to formulate that planet earth was not at the center of the universe as had been widely believed before him. He insisted that the sun was at the center instead. This became known in science as the Copernican Revolution, which “is often regarded as the starting point of modern astronomy and the defining epiphany that began the Scientific Revolution“. Ron Paul is a modern day Copernicus offering anyone who will listen a world view that is vastly different from the conventional wisdom of the day. He is offering a Paulian Revolution.

Today, the masses in the U.S. believe that America itself is (figuratively) at the center of the world. The modern U.S. government acts like this is true more and more as time moves onward. With overseas military interventions, overseas diplomatic interventions, and the self defeating welfare of foreign aid America has positioned itself as a kind of God country to all the other countries on earth. The problem being not all of those countries wish to worship God America. Ron Paul is trumpeting the folly of this philosophy.

Copernicus published a book introducing his theory of the universe called “On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres“. Ron Paul has given us his own treatise on the modern day political universe with “The Revolution: A Manifesto“. Copernicus was obsessed with astronomy but it was not his main occupation. He was also as mathematician, physician, classical scholar, translator, governor, military leader, diplomat and economist. Likewise Paul is not just a Congressman. He is also an economist and physician.

The financial sector bailouts mounting week by week signals a surge towards socialism/fascism and away from the America of our founders. The more melodramatic among us claim that it is the end of America as we know it. Ron Paul has been warning about such things since the 1970’s citing his own firm knowledge in Austrian economics.

Unlike Copernicus Ron Paul never worried about being viewed as extreme. According to history Copernicus was quite apprehensive about publishing his own scientific revolutionary text fearing it would not be widely accepted. Ron Paul, on the other hand, withstood being booed, openly mocked, and laughed at as he proudly aired his positions during his primary campaign. His willingness to stand up for his beliefs is now legendary, even making the urban dictionary through the term "paulism".

The question remains how much of a movement the Paulian Revolution will become. It has been suggested that political and economic conditions are ripe for such a movement to gain widespread appeal. It is difficult to admit but much of Ron Paul’s Revolution has been conducted within a vacuum since his campaign ended. There is very little continued awareness of it amongst the general disengaged voting public.

His dedicated supporters have continued their efforts with participation in Paul’s Campaign For Liberty, but this movement will not be made overnight. It is not a sprint, but a mid-summer marathon through mountainous terrain while wearing snowshoes. There will be baby steps forward and giant steps backward. The bottom line is that it is very difficult to turn around a century of incremental executive imperialism and a culture of government dependence in a few years.

It’s also a bit too soon to attempt an evaluation of such an effort. Neither the darkest detractors nor the unrealistic pie in the sky supporters can claim to have a handle on the outcome on something that is still in its developmental stages. What cannot be disputed is that Ron Paul has mostly inadvertently created a core group of well educated staunch supporters that will try to steer this Titanic of Tyranny towards the Isle of Sweet Liberty.

Whether the Paulian Revolution catches on enough to change fundamental beliefs like Copernicus’ own revolution did so many years ago remains to be seen. Copernicus had it easy compared to what Ron Paul is up against. Copernicus had science on his side. Paul needs political sentiment on his side. In an era when the trend is toward more government instead of less, more central planning instead of less, and more redistribution of wealth instead of less it is quite refreshing to have someone like Ron Paul. In a time when freedom is pushed into the shadows in the name of the greater good at least someone is speaking out for you, me, and liberty.

May we all live to see a day when the Paulian Revolution reaches critical mass.


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