Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The AMA at its worst

Suppressing cancer research

Harry Hoxsey's treatment for cancer was endorsed by senators, judges and even some doctors. Two federal courts upheld its therapeutic value and by the 1950s his clinics were found in seventeen states. It spite of this, the AMA targeted him and drove him out of business.

If a low cost, reliable treatment for cancer were discovered outside the medical establishment would the general public ever find out about it?

Watch this film and find out.

Hoxsey: How Healing Becomes A 'Crime'

911 Blueprint for Truth: The Architecture of Destruction

The Elephant In The Room

Another Alternative Energy Inventor Killed?

By Benjamin Fulford

A man by the name of Stefan Nystrom invented a way to generate energy from ocean waves that he claims would cost 5% of what coal energy does

He set up a proto-type in Ghana and, initially, claims to have found many potential investors. However, suddenly problems started to pop up. The investors, originally extremely enthusiastic, started to back off. He was offered bribes in order to quit.
Finally, he began to be harassed by Ghanaian police and mercenaries

He contacted me in hopes of getting protection. I told him to come to Japan. He told me he was not allowed to leave the country. He said they had taken parts from his prototype. I said I would see what I could do. Before I could do anything, yesterday I received a disturbing set of phone calls from a very scared sounding Mr. Nystrom. "They tried to kill me three times today," he screamed into the phone.
Then I lost contact with him, and his phone has been switched off

In his last call, he asked me to make his technology public. So, here below is a description of his technology.
Would people please pass it on and would as many people, in a tribute to a man who has probably been killed by mercenaries hired by the oil industry, and make sure that prototypes are developed


Benjamin Fulford