Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"Bailout" charade was put on to distract us... Watch the video to see why the racketeers MUST be captured and severely tortured

Rep. Peter Defazio "Paulson's plan...waives all laws, all LAWS!"

Financial Tsunami: The End of the World as We Knew It

Financial Tsunami: The End of the World as We Knew It

By F. William Engdahl

Paulson’s plan, the one essentially rejected on September 29 by the House of Representatives, would have done nothing to recapitalize the troubled banks. That recapitalization could cost an added hundreds of billions on top of the $700 billion toxic waste disposal.

The unexpected rejection by the US Congress of the Bush Administration financial rescue plan, TARP on September 29 has opened up the spectre for the first time of a 1931-style domino wave of worldwide bank failures. That is already underway across the US banking spectrum with the failure, nationalization or forced liquidation in the past two weeks of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, of the giant Washington Mutual mortgage lender, of the nation’s fourth largest deposit bank, Wachovia. That was on top of a wave of smaller bank failures that began with IndyMac in the spring. For some it is appealing and more simple to grasp the magnitude of these titanic events in the US-centered financial world by assuming it is all part of a pre-planned grand conspiracy by the Money Masters, what in the 1920s in the USA was termed the Money Trust, to control the entire financial world.

As the details of the present crisis reveal, there are huge ideological fault lines making for chaos and a potential meltdown of the Laissez Faire financial system. That present system, which was built on the back of Wall Street financial and banking deregulation since 1987 when Alan Greenspan, a devout follower and close friend of radical individualist Ayn Rand, became Wall Street’s man at the Federal Reserve for almost 19 years, is over now with the failure of the Henry Paulson $700 billion bailout scheme. Governments worldwide now face no alternative but to begin the painful process of putting the financial genie back in the bottle and re-regulating an out-of-control financial system. The failure of the UK Government and the US Government to address that fundamental issue is behind the present crisis of confidence.

A brief look at history

The Great Depression in Germany in 1931 began with a seemingly minor event—the collapse of a bank in Vienna, Creditanstalt, that May. For readers interested in more on the remarkable parallels between that crisis and that of today, I recommend the treatment in my earlier volume, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order.

That Vienna bank collapse in turn was triggered by a political decision in Paris to sabotage an emerging German-Austrian economic cooperation agreement by pulling down the weakest link of the post-Versailles system, the Vienna Creditanstalt. In the process, Paris triggered a series of tragic events that led to the failure of the German banking system over a period of several weeks. The post-1919 Versailles System, much like the post-1999 US Securitization System, was built on a house of cards with no foundation. When one card was removed, the entire international financial edifice crumbled.

Then, in 1931, there was an inept Brüning government in Germany, which believed severe austerity was the only solution, merely feeding unemployment lines to pay the Young Plan German reparations to the new Bank for International Settlements in Basle.

Then, in 1931 George Harrison, a Germano-phobe, was the inexperienced Governor of the powerful New York Federal Reserve. Harrison was a member of the anglophile Skull & Bones, the elite Yale University secret society which also included George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush as initiates. Harrison, who went on to coordinate the secret Manhattan Project on the development of the Atomic bomb under fellow Skull & Bones member, War Secretary Henry Stimson, believed the crisis had started not from abroad but with German bankers trying to make a profit at the expense of others.

Within weeks of rumor and jitters, the New York Bankers Trust, ironically today a part of Deutsche Bank, announced it would be forced to cut the credit line to Deutsche Bank and by July 1931 began to pull its deposits from all big Berlin banks. Harrison insisted the Reichsbank dramatically raise interest rates to stabilize things, only turning bad into worse as a credit crisis across the German economy ensued.

The Bank of England Governor, Montagu Norman, while somewhat more supportive of Luther argued that his friend Hjalmar Schacht was better suited to manage the crisis. On July 13, 1931, a major German bank, Darmstädter-und Nationalbank (Danat) failed. That triggered a general a depositors’ run on all German banks. The Brüning government merged the Danat with a weakly capitalized Dresdner Bank, and made large state guarantees in an effort to calm matters. It didn’t.

New York Fed governor, Harrison, who was personally convinced it was a ‘German’ problem, barked orders to Reichsbank chief Hans Luther on how to manage the crisis according to archival accounts. A foreign drain on Reichsbank gold reserves ensued.

The rest is history, the tragic history of the greatest most destructive war of the 20th Century, with all the suffering that ensued. At that time in history, the American banking elite saw itself, despite a stock market crash and Great Depression in America, as standing at the dawn of a new American Century.

The decline of the American Century

Today, in 2008, some 77 years later, a German Finance Minister stands before the Bundestag announcing the end of that American Century. Today the German government encourages a fusion of Dresdner with Commerzbank. Today Deutsche Bank, which some years ago acquired Bankers Trust in New York in a merger wave, appears to be in a stronger position than its American counterparts as Wall Street investment banks, some more than 150 years old as the venerable Lehman Bros., simply vanish in a matter of days. The American financial Superpower crumbles before our eyes.

In March 2008 there were five giant Wall Street investment banks, banks which underwrote Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS), corporate bonds, corporate stock issues. They were not deposit banks like Citibank or Bank of America; they were known as investment banks—Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns.

The business of taking deposits and lending by banks had been split during the Great Depression from the business of underwriting and selling stocks and bonds—investment banking—by an act of Congress, the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. The law was passed amid the collapse of the banking system in the United States following the bursting of the Wall Street stock market bubble in October 1929.

That Glass-Steagall act was a prudent attempt by Congress to end the uncontrolled speculative excesses of the Roaring Twenties by New York finance. It established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to guarantee personal bank deposits to a fixed sum that restored consumer confidence and ended the panic runs on bank deposits.

In November 1999, after millions spent lobbying Congress, the New York banks and Wall Street investment banks and insurance companies won a staggering victory. The US Congress voted to repeal that 1933 Glass-Steagall Act. President Bill Clinton proudly signed the repeal act with Sandford Weill, the chairman of Citigroup.

The man whose name is on that repeal bill was Texas Senator Phil Gramm, a devout advocate of ideological free market finance, finance free from any Government fetters. The major US banks had been seeking the repeal of Glass-Steagall since the 1980s. In 1987 the Congressional Research Service prepared a report which argued the case for preserving Glass-Steagall. The new Federal Reserve chairman, Alan Greenspan, just fresh from J.P. Morgan bank on Wall Street, in one of his first speeches to Congress in 1987 argued for repeal of Glass-Steagall.

The repeal allowed commercial banks such as Citigroup, then the largest US bank, to underwrite and trade new financial instruments such as Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) and Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) and establish so-called structured investment vehicles, or SIVs, that bought those securities. Repeal of Glass-Steagall after 1999, in short, enabled the Securitization revolution so openly praised by Greenspan as the "revolution in finance." That revolution is today devouring its young.

That securitization process is at the heart of the present Financial Tsunami that is destroying the American credit structure. Citigroup played a major part in the repeal of Glass–Steagall in 1999. Citicorp had merged with Travelers Insurance company the year before, using a loophole in Glass-Steagall that allowed for temporary exemption. Alan Greenspan gave his personal blessing to the Citibank merger.

Phil Gramm, the original sponsor of the Glass-Steagall repeal bill that bears his name, went on to become the chief economic adviser to John McCain. Gramm also went on to become Vice Chairman of a sizeable Swiss bank, UBS Investment Bank, in the USA, a bank which has had no small share of troubles in the current Tsunami crisis.

Gramm as Senator in 2000 was one of five co-sponsors of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000. A provision of the bill was referred to as the ‘Enron loophole’ because the it was later applied to Enron to allow them unregulated speculation in energy futures, a key factor in the Enron scandal and collapse. The Commodity Futures Modernization Act, as I described in my earlier piece in May, Perhaps 60% of Today’s Oil Price is Pure Speculation, allowed investment bank Goldman Sachs (coincidentally the former bank of Treasury Secretary Paulson), to make a literal killing in manipulating oil futures prices up to $147 a barrel this summer.

Paulson’s impressive interest conflicts

The actions of Treasury Secretary Paulson since the first outbreak of the Financial Tsunami in August of 2007 have been directed with one apparent guiding aim—to save the obscene gains of his Wall Street and banking cronies. In the process he has taken steps which suggest more than a mild possible conflict of interest. Paulson, who had been chairman of Goldman Sachs from the time of the 1999 Glass-Steagall repeal to his appointment in 2006 as Treasury head, had been one of the most involved Wall Street players in the new securitization revolution of Greenspan. Naming him to head the Government agency now responsible for cleaning up the mess left by Wall Street greed and stupidity was tantamount to putting the wolf in charge of guarding the hen house as some see it.

Paulson showed where his interests lay. He is by law is the chairman of something called the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets, the Government’s financial crisis management group that also includes Fed Chairman Bernanke, the Securities & Exchange Commission head, and the head of the Commodity Futures Exchange Commission (CFTC). That is the reason Paulson, the ex-Wall Street Goldman Sachs banker, is always the person announcing new emergency decisions since last August.

Two weeks ago, for example, Paulson announced the Government would make an unprecedented $85 billion nationalization rescue of an insurance group, AIG. True AIG is the world’s largest insurer and has a huge global involvement in financial markets.

AIG’s former Chairman, Hank Greenberg—a close friend of Henry Kissinger, a former Director of the New York Fed, former Vice Chairman of the elite New York Council on Foreign Relations and of David Rockefeller’s select Trilateral Commission, Trustee Emeritus of Rockefeller University—was for more than forty years Chairman of AIG. His AIG career ended in March 2005 when AIG’s board forced Greenberg to resign from his post as Chairman and CEO under the shadow of criticism and legal action for cooking the books, in a prosecution brought by Eliot Spitzer, then Attorney General of New York State.

In mid September, in between other dramatic failures including Lehman Bros., and the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Paulson announced that the US Treasury, as agent for the United States Government, was to bailout the troubled AIG with a staggering $85 billion. The announcement came a day after Paulson announced the Government would let the 150-year old investment bank, Lehman Brothers, fail without Government aid.

What has since emerged are details of a meeting at the New York Federal Reserve bank chaired by Paulson, to discuss the risk of letting AIG fail. There was only one active Wall Street banker present at the meeting—Lloyd Blankfein, chairman of Paulson’s old firm, Goldman Sachs.

Blankfein later claimed he was present at the fateful meeting not to protect his firm’s interests but to ‘safeguard the entire financial system.’ His claim was put in doubt when it later emerged that Blankfein’s Goldman Sachs was AIG’s largest trading partner and stood to lose $20 billion in a bankruptcy of AIG. Were Goldman Sachs to go down with AIG, Secretary Paulson would have reportedly lost $700 million in Goldman Sachs stock options he had, an interesting fact.

That is a tiny glimpse into the man who crafted the largest bailout in US or world financial history some days ago, the failed TARP—Troubled Asset Relief Program—a proposed $700 billion financial stabilization scheme which, in Paulson’s original version would have allowed him or his Treasury successor to use $700 billion, with no oversight or accountability, to buy bad or worthless assets from financial institutions he deems worthy of help.

As respected economist, Nouriel Roubini pointed out, in almost every case of recent banking crises in which emergency action was needed to save the financial system, the most economical (to taxpayers) method was to have the Government, as in Sweden or Finland in the early 1990’s, nationalize the troubled banks, take over their management and assets, and inject public capital to recapitalize the banks to allow them to continue doing business, lending to normal clients. In the Swedish case, the Government held the assets, mostly real estate, for several years until the economy again improved at which point they could sell them onto the market and the banks could gradually buy the state ownership shares back into private hands. In the Swedish case the end cost to taxpayers was estimated to have been almost nil. The state never did as Paulson proposed, to buy the toxic waste of the banks, leaving them to get off free from their follies of securitization and speculation abuses.

Paulson’s plan, the one essentially rejected on September 29 by the House of Representatives, would have done nothing to recapitalize the troubled banks. That recapitalization could cost an added hundreds of billions on top of the $700 billion toxic waste disposal.

Serious conservative banker friends I know who went through the Scandinavian crisis of the 1990’s are scratching their head trying to imagine how crass the Paulson TARP scheme was. That crass and politically obvious bailout of Wall Street by the taxpayers, what some refer to as ‘Bankers’ Socialism—socialize the costs of failure onto the public, and privatize the profits to the bankers—is a major factor behind the defeat of the TARP compromise version.

But there is an added element. John McCain decided to boost his flagging Presidential campaign by trying to profile himself as a ‘political Maverick’ one who opposes the powerful Washington vested interests. He flew into Washington days before the TARP was to be approved by a panicked Congress and conspired with a handful of influential Republican Senate friends, including Banking Committee ranking member, Senator Shelby, to oppose the Paulson TARP. What emerged, with McCain’s backing, was a political power play that may well have brought the United States financial system to its knees, and McCain’s Presidential hopes with it.

Power and greed are the only visible juice driving the decision-makers in Washington today. Acting in the long-range US national interest seems to have gotten lost in the scramble. As I wrote last November in my Financial Tsunami five part series on the background to today’s crisis, all this could be foreseen. It is what happens when elected Governments abandon their public trust or responsibility to a cabal of private financial interests. It will be interesting to see if anyone in Washington realizes that lesson. Whatever next comes out of Washington, however, one thing is clear, as reflected in what German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrück told the Bundestag. This is the end of the world as we knew it. The American financial Superpower is gone. The only important question will be what and how will the alternative be.

Rebels of America Blogspot

Taxpayers Being Blackmailed Into Bailing Out Zionist Gangsters

The Financial Crisis On Wall Street & The Gang of Zionists Behind 9-11

By Christopher Bollyn

Adding Insult to Injury:
Hard-pressed American Taxpayers Forced to Bailout
Zionist Gangsters Behind 9-11
Updated September 21, 2008

Maurice Greenberg, the Zionist criminal behind A.I.
is deeply involved in the false flag terror of 9-11
[Photo: www. cloakanddagger. de]

The current financial crisis in the United States involves some of the very same Zionist criminals and entities that I pointed out in my recent chapter, "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Israeli Network Behind 9-11"

The collapse of their criminal scams on Wall Street could result in more information coming out about the Zionist gangsters behind 9-11
Such outrageous criminal scams cannot be kept hidden for long

The government loan of $85 thousand millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars ($85 billion) to keep afloat Maurice Greenberg's criminal operation, American International Group (A.I.G.
), brings into the spotlight one of the key individuals in the Zionist criminal network behind 9-11

Maurice Greenberg
The criminal head of A.I.


It should come as no surprise that the key person behind this unprecedented government bailout of A.I.G., a huge Zionist criminal operation, is himself a devoted Zionist. Ben Shalom Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve System, is another Hebrew-speaking scion of the Jewish Theological Seminary of New York City, like Michael Chertoff and Alvin K.

How can it be that the sons of small group of uneducated Jews from Eastern Europe, who immigrated to the Bronx in the 1900s, now control a nation of 300 million non-Jews? If you were to ask a Zionist Jew from the Jewish Theological Seminary why they control America, they would probably say: "Because we can"

Bernanke has been a religious supporter
of Zionist criminals since the 1970s

Growing up, Bernanke attended the extremist Zionist summer camp (Ramah) of the Jewish Theological Seminary where he was immersed for months in the Zionist ideology of the JTS - in Hebrew.
During college in the early 1970s, Bernanke began working directly with the Jewish political crime bosses in South Carolina


Ben Shalom (Hebrew for "Son of Peace") Bernanke went to Harvard University and graduated with a B.A. in economics in 1975. Throughout college, however, Bernanke had a very odd summer job for an Ivy League student of economics. Every summer he returned to Dillon, South Carolina, to work for Alan Heller Schafer, the well-known Jewish criminal and political boss who ran a sprawling roadside gambling and drinking establishment called South of the Border.
The adjacent counties in North Carolina had been "dry counties" when Schafer originally started his drinking and gambling establishment

Such was his clout that he was reportedly able to have the route of Interstate 95 altered so it would directly pass his saloon operation

Alan Schafer
Bernanke's criminal employer during his college years

Alan Schafer was, after all, the long-standing chairman of the Democratic Party in Dillon County, where, since 1966, he ran the "state's smoothest-running political machine" by buying votes

Schafer's political machine maintained power, said Craig C. Donsanto, director of the Justice Department's Election Crimes Branch, through a "carefully controlled and sophisticated system of rigging elections," the New York Times reported in 1982.
This is the crime boss that Bernanke worked for, every summer, while he studied at Harvard

"Alan didn't want any more stump meetings because they threatened his candidates," said A.W. (Red) Bethea, 66, who was defeated four times in Statehouse races by Schafer-backed candidates.
"If you were running against the Schafer machine without his wanting you to, you were just wasting your time"

Mr. Donsanto said more than 1,000 Dillon County voters were paid $5 to $10 to sign their names to absentee ballots in 1980. In the 1980 primary, 1,500 of the 7,000 votes cast in Dillon County were absentee ballots. Two days after the primary, agents from the U.S. Justice Dept.
"swooped down on Dillon County and seized the ballot boxes, touching off the largest voting fraud investigation ever conducted in the Southeast," the Times reported

After an 18-month investigation, 30 residents of Dillon County were indicted on charges of violating federal election laws, most of them for buying votes. As the head of the election corruption and vote- buying machine, Schafer was sentenced to three and a half years in federal prison.
The joint state and federal investigation, which finally busted Schafer's political machine, "broke up the county's leadership elite, men who had controlled and manipulated Dillon's political process since the mid-1960s," the Times reported

This was the well-known Jewish criminal that Ben Shalom Bernanke, a student of economics at Harvard, worked for every summer. It is simply impossible that Bernanke was unaware of Schafer's wide-scale criminal activities, which were legendary in the state. (Now, Bernanke is behind the $85 billion taxpayer-funded bailout of another Zionist criminal, Maurice R. Greenberg, who ran A.I.G. for decades and who owned some $15 billion worth of A.I.G.
stock, before it fell some 94 percent in value)

The "pain and embarrassment" caused by Schafer's decades of criminal activity aimed at controlling elections deeply affected the people of Dillon County

After college, Bernanke earned a doctorate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where his adviser was Stanley "Stan" Fischer

Fischer, born in Rhodesia, also happens to be the current Governor of the Bank of Israel. If you look at Bernanke's biography you will find that he has spent his entire life engaged only in Zionist activities.
I have not found any period of Bernanke's life when he was involved in anything other than Zionism

Bernanke's advisor of Zionist economics at MIT was Stan Fischer,
head of the Bank of Israel; here with Ehud Olmert on April 1, 2008
[Photo AP - Sebastian Scheiner]

(I am working on an article to explain the massive Zionist criminal enterprise of A.I.G., primarily owned by Maurice Greenberg. A.I.G. is much more than insurance fraud, and there is nothing "golden" about it, except for its Israeli subsidiary's name. Greenberg's criminal enterprise known as A.I.G.
is sprawling and even includes a company (ILFC) that leases and finances aircraft for the airlines and secret government missions such as "enforced renditions"

One of Greenberg's aircraft, for example, a Gulfstream 4 with tail number N971L, was involved in the abduction of crew members who survived the Estonia catastrophe in September 1994.
Greenberg's plane left Stockholm's Arlanda airport with half a dozen "unregistered passengers" and took them to Bangor, Maine, the day after 11 surviving crew members disappeared from Stockholm's Huddinge hospital)

This is just a fragment of the criminal activity Greenberg's A.I.G. is involved in. As I wrote in one of the latest chapters of Solving 9-11, published in July 2008, Greenberg and A.I.
G are both involved in the 9-11 false flag terror attacks:


Rebuffed in 1987, the Mossad team of Malkin and Shalom didn't give up on Isser Harel's prophecy of 9-11, which meant getting the Port Authority security contract. They simply changed tack and decided to work in a less obvious manner, through dedicated and corrupt American Zionists like Jules Kroll and Maurice Greenberg. Shalom went to work for Kroll, according to the online 9/11 Encyclopedia entry for Maurice "Hank" Greenberg, the CEO of the American International Group (A.I.
G) insurance company

In 1993, Maurice Greenberg became a partner and co-owner of Jules Kroll's company when A.I.G. bought 23 percent of Kroll. Greenberg is very close to Henry Kissinger, who became chairman of A.I.
G's International Advisory Board in 1987

Kissinger and Greenberg

Greenberg was deeply involved in China in the 80s, where Henry Kissinger was one of his representatives, according to the 9-11 Encyclopedia. Through the China trade, Greenberg became close to Shaul Eisenberg, the leader of the Asian section of the Israeli intelligence service Mossad, and agent for the sales of sophisticated military equipment to the Chinese military, it reports. Eisenberg was also the owner of Atwell Security of Tel Aviv...

Maurice Greenberg and Jules Kroll are connected to the key players of 9-11 in so many ways that their connections would fill a book For the purpose of this chapter, however, there are a few key connections that need to be underlined:

Maurice Greenberg and Jules Kroll became partners in 1993, the same year Kroll Associates "was chosen over three other companies to advise the Port Authority on a redesign of its security procedures"
"We have such confidence in them that I have followed every one of their recommendations," Stanley Brezenoff, the Port Authority executive director, told the New York Times in 1994

Kroll controlled security at the World Trade Center complex in 2001 and was responsible for hiring John O'Neill, the former chief of counterterrorism for the FBI, who died on 9-11, reportedly his first day on the new job

3. Greenberg's son, Jeffrey W. Greenberg, became CEO of Marsh & McLennan (MMC) in 1999 and chairman in 2000. The first plane of 9-11 flew directly into the secure computer room of Marsh (Kroll) USA, part of Greenberg's company.
Mark Wood, an eyewitness, said: "It looked like a mid-sized executive jet and the way it turned suggested it was being aimed deliberately at a target"
There is much more information about Maurice Greenberg's ties to 9-11 in "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Israeli Network Behind 9-11"

Christopher Bollyn

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Bollyn, Christopher, "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Israeli Network Behind 9-11," July 24, 2008
http://www. bollyn. info/home/articles/911/theisraelinetworkbehind911/

Bollyn, Christopher, " 'Ghost Planes' Make Suspects Disappear: Pentagon has new secret weapon in 'War on Terror' " American Free Press, January 2004
http://www. americanfreepress. net/html/ghost_planes. html

Bollyn, Christopher, "Were Key Survivors from Estonia Catastrophe Kidnapped?" January 2005
http://www. elaestonia. org/eng/index. php?module=lingid&link=133
New York Times, "Carolina Revives its Stump Meetings," May 23, 1982 (Article about Alan Schafer's criminal activities in Dillon County elections, S.

Larry Silverstein laughing all the way to the bank upon deaths of thousands on 9-11, if not millions by now...

Silverstein admitted on PBS he ordered to 'PULL' WTC 7 only 8 hours after WTC twin towers collapsed It takes MONTHS to install demolition explosives

We Are Change confronts Larry Silverstein

Larry “Lucky Larry” Silverstein (ZIONIST SCUM)

Information Liberation com

Original Link: Lucky Larry Silverstein – How He Got Away With It All

You’ve got to be lucky to make $4 Billion killing on a 6-month investment of $124 Million

Larry Silverstein is the New York property tycoon who purchased the entire WTC complex just 6 months prior to the 9/11 attacks.
That was the first time in its 33-year history the complex had EVER changed ownership

Mr. Silverstein’s first order of business as the new owner was to change the company responsible for the security of the complex. The new security company he hired was Securacom (now Stratasec). George W. Bush's brother, Marvin Bush, was on its board of directors, and Marvin’s cousin, Wirt Walker III, was its CEO.
According to public records, not only did Securacom provide electronic security for the World Trade Center, it also covered Dulles International Airport and United Airlines — two key players in the 9/11 attacks

The company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for many years to the Bush family. KuwAm has been linked to the Bush family financially since the Gulf War.
One of its principals and a member of the Kuwaiti royal family, Mishal Yousef Saud al Sabah, served on the board of Stratesec

Now, consider: The members of a small cabal owned the WTC complex, controlled its electronic security, and also controlled the security not only for one of the airlines whose aircraft were hijacked on 9/11, but the airport from which they originated

Another little “coincidence” -- Mr. Silversten, who made a down-payment of $124 million on this $3.2 billion complex, promptly insured it for $7 Billion.
Not only that, he covered the complex against “terrorist attacks”

Following the attacks, Silverstein filed TWO insurance claims for the maximum amount of the policy ($7B), based on the two -- in Silverstein's view -- separate attacks. The insurance company, Swiss Re, paid Mr. Silverstein $4.
6 Billion — a princely return on a relatively paltry investment of $124 million

There’s more. You see, the World Trade Towers were not the real estate plum we are led to believe.
From an economic standpoint, the trade center -- subsidized since its inception by the NY Port Authority -- has never functioned, nor was it intended to function, unprotected in the rough-and-tumble real estate marketplace How could Silverstein Group have been ignorant of this?

The towers required some $200 million in renovations and improvements, most of which related to removal and replacement of building materials declared to be health hazards in the years since the towers were built. It was well-known by the city of New York that the WTC was an asbestos bombshell. For years, the Port Authority treated the building like an aging dinosaur, attempting on several occasions to get permits to demolish the building for liability reasons, but being turned down due the known asbestos problem.
Further, it was well-known the only reason the building was still standing until 9/11 was because it was too costly to disassemble the twin towers floor by floor since the Port Authority was prohibited legally from demolishing the buildings

The projected cost to disassemble the towers: $15 Billion.
Just the scaffolding for the operation was estimated at $24 Billion!

In other words, the Twin Towers were condemned structures.
How convenient that an unexpected “terrorist” attack demolished the buildings completely

WTC Building 7 was a part of the WTC complex, and covered under the same insurance policy.
This 47-storey steel-framed structure, which was NOT struck by an aircraft, mysteriously collapsed 8 hours later that same day into its own footprint at freefall speed — exactly in the manner of the Twin Towers

How could this have happened? Mr Silverstein gave the world the answer when he slipped up during a PBS television interview a year later, on 9/11/2002:

"I remember getting a call from department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.
' And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse"

As anyone who knows anything about construction can tell you, “Pull” is common industry jargon for a controlled demolition

One thing is for sure, the decision to 'pull' WTC 7 would have delighted many people Especially because it has been reported that thousands of sensitive files relating to some of the biggest financial scams in history — including Enron and WorldCom -- were stored in the offices of some of the building’s tenants:

US Secret Service
NAIC Securities
Salomon Smith Barney
American Express Bank International
Standard Chartered Bank
Provident Financial Management
ITT Hartford Insurance Group
Federal Home Loan Bank

The Securities and Exchange Commission has not quantified the number of active cases in which substantial files were destroyed by the collapse of WTC 7. Reuters news service and the Los Angeles Times published reports estimating them at 3,000 to 4,000. They include the agency's major inquiry into the manner in which investment banks divvied up hot shares of initial public offerings during the high-tech boom. ..."Ongoing investigations at the New York SEC will be dramatically affected because so much of their work is paper-intensive," said Max Berger of New York's Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossmann.
"This is a disaster for these cases"

Citigroup says some information that the committee is seeking [about WorldCom] was destroyed in the Sept. 11 terror attack on the World Trade Center. Salomon had offices in 7 World Trade Center.
The bank says that back-up tapes of corporate emails from September 1998 through December 2000 were stored at the building and destroyed in the attack

Inside WTC 7 was the US Secret Service's largest field office with more than 200 employees.
"All the evidence that we stored at 7 World Trade, in all our cases, went down with the building," according to US Secret Service Special Agent David Curran

What a neat, complete, and fortuitous turn of events was 9/11

Incidentally, it’s worth noting that one of Lucky Larry’s closest friends — a person with whom it’s said he speaks almost daily by phone — is none other than former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

More on that cozy little relationship later

Larry Silverstein - Owner of WTC and Chicago Sears Tower

BBC Reported Building 7 Collapse 20 Minutes Before It Fell - An astounding video uncovered from the archives today shows the BBC reporting on the collapse of WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm on the afternoon of 9/11, The incredible footage shows a BBC reporter talking about the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building while it remains standing in the live shot behind her head

Developer Sues to Win $12.3 Billion in 9/11 Attack

New York Times
March 27, 2008

Larry A. Silverstein, who has won nearly $4.6 billion in insurance payments to cover his losses and help him rebuild at the World Trade Center site, is seeking $12.
3 billion in damages from airlines and airport security companies for the 9/11 attack

Silverstein, the developer of ground zero, sought the damages, whose amount was not previously known, in a claim filed in 2004, that says the airlines and airport security companies failed to prevent terrorists from hijacking the planes used to destroy the buildings

His case was consolidated last week with similar, earlier lawsuits brought by families of some victims of the attack and by other property owners. But in seeking $12.
3 billion, he is by far the biggest claimant in the litigation

The size of Mr.
Silverstein’s claim was revealed last week at a status conference on the litigation in United States District Court in Manhattan

The claims by the parties involved total about $23 billion, and Mr. Silverstein’s claim for such a large chunk could jeopardize claims from other businesses and property owners, according to defense lawyers.
A lawyer for the victims’ families, Donald Migliori, said he was confident that their claims would not be affected because they would take priority over the property claims

A lawyer for the airlines, Desmond Barry, said that if Mr. Silverstein won his claim, he could push the total claims beyond the amount of insurance that the airlines and security companies have available. “There ain’t that much insurance,” Mr.
Barry said

The federal government has capped the liability at the amount of available insurance, to avoid bankrupting the airlines.
The exact amount of insurance available is still being explored in the court proceedings

Richard A. Williamson, a lawyer for Mr. Silverstein, said at the court conference on March 18 that Mr. Silverstein was seeking damages to compensate him for continuing losses at the site. Mr. Silverstein, through his company, World Trade Center Properties, has a 99-year lease, worth $3.2 billion, on four buildings at the site, including the fallen twin towers.
He signed the lease in July 2001, just six weeks before the attack

Since the attack, Mr. Silverstein has been paying rent to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey on towers that no longer exist, his lawyer told the judge, Alvin K. Hellerstein. Mr.
Williamson said that his client had also lost rental income from about 400 tenants

Dara McQuillan, a spokesman for Mr. Silverstein, said that the $12.3 billion represented $8.4 billion for the replacement value of the destroyed buildings and $3.
9 billion in other costs, including $100 million a year in rent to the Port Authority and $300 million a year in lost rental income, as well as the cost of marketing and leasing the new buildings

Mr. Barry, speaking for the airlines, contended that Mr. Silverstein had been more than compensated by the nearly $4.6 billion insurance settlement, reached after almost six years of litigation. He argued that Mr. Silverstein was entitled to the market value of the property, which he said had been established by the $3.
2 billion lease

Judge Hellerstein expressed skepticism about Mr.
Silverstein’s claim, and asked why he had not stemmed his losses by just “walking away”

Turning to Mr Williamson, Judge Hellerstein asked: “What’s the nature of your recovery?”

To which Mr. Williamson replied, “For damages suffered by the events of 9/11, not value.

Mr. Williamson said that the lease required Mr.
Silverstein to rebuild and to continue paying rent

“And so I’m putting to you if you walked away from the lease, you would lose the value of the lease,” Judge Hellerstein said “Would you have a further obligation to pay money?”

Mr. Williamson replied, “You have to examine that question.
“But to me that’s not the test of what are our damages”

Judge Hellerstein pressed Mr. Williamson to put a dollar figure on the damages. “I don’t think it’s necessary to know the precise amount,” the judge said.
“I think some order of magnitude would be appropriate”

When Mr. Williamson balked, Mr.
Barry jumped in

“I think their claim is $12.
3 billion,” he said

“Plus prejudgement interest,” Mr.
Williamson confirmed

To which the judge tartly replied, “We shouldn’t forget that”

Judge Hellerstein ordered Mr.
Silverstein to provide more documentation of his claim, or risk losing it

Mr. McQuillan, the spokesman for Mr. Silverstein, said on Wednesday the developer felt both an obligation under his lease and a moral obligation to rebuild, rather than walk away.
He said that the insurance companies who paid him would be repaid if he prevails

Plaintiffs also revealed that after a spate of settlements, there are seven wrongful death cases and two injury cases remaining, out of more than 90 filed

Those who sued represent just a small fraction of the casualties on Sept. 11.
Most of the victims of the attack and their families chose to take the compensation offered through a federal fund, forgoing their right to sue

Mr. Migliori, the lawyer for victims’ survivors, said he believed that the claimants with property-damage claims — including Mr.
Silverstein and some insurance companies trying to recoup their payments — would allow the death and injury cases to get priority in payment of damages

The judge declined to set any trial date in the case, saying that it would be “fictitious,” but set a fact-finding deadline at the end of this year.
Any trials in the case appear to be more than a year away


Maybe some insider working for WTC owner Larry Silverstein found out that 9-11 was an inside job

NYC Freedom Tower plans found in trash

Associated Press
April 18, 2008

http://news. yahoo. com/s/ap/20080418/ap_on_re_us/attacks_redevelopment

NEW YORK - A homeless man has come forward with two sets of confidential ground zero blueprints that he says were dumped in a Lower Manhattan trash can

The man brought the Freedom Tower plans to the New York Post, which says the 150-page schematic is marked: "Secure Document — Confidential"

The documents are dated Oct. 5, 2007.
They contain plans for each floor, the thickness of the concrete-core wall, and the location of air ducts, elevators, electrical systems and support columns

The agency that owns the World Trade Center site, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, calls it a serious security lapse

Spokeswoman Candace McAdams says mishandling the blueprints would be "cause for serious disciplinary action"

9/11 and the Greenberg Familia

By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Associate Editor

http://www. onlinejournal. com/artman/publish/article_1261. shtml

Sep 29, 2006, 01:06

Democratic Underground Demopedia reports in Who Killed John O’Neill that at the time of 9/11, AIG, the world’s largest insurance company, and subsidiaries Marsh McLennan, ACE and Kroll, were run by the Greenberg family.
With Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member Maurice “Hank” Greenberg as the AIG godfather, the Familia’s tentacles curled around the heart of the tragedy

Hank’s son Jeffrey, a CFR member as well, was chairman of Marsh & McLennan, situated on floors throughout the North Tower of the World Trade Center as well as the top floors of the South Tower. Marsh also had ties to the CIA.
Son Evan Greenberg, a CFR member, was CEO of ACE Limited, situated in Tower 7, which also contained AIG subsidiary Kroll, closely related to the CIA, also with an office in Tower 7

Tower 7 also contained offices of the FBI, Department of Defense, IRS (which contained prodigious amounts of corporate tax fraud corporate, including Enron’s), US Secret Service, Securities & Exchange Commission (with more stock fraud records), and Citibank’s Salomon Smith Barney, the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management and many other financial institutions

Greenberg’s cousin, Alan “Ace” Greenberg, was former CEO of Bear Sterns, where the Bush family, Cheney family George Schultz, James Baker, et al, did business.
It is the leading brokerage firm of the great and all-powerful Bush Familia

Also reported by Democratic Underground, AIG’s Kroll “provided protection services,” among other things, to high level Americans at home and abroad. Kroll had military teams in their company and merged with Armor Holdings on August 23, 2001, adding Defence Systems Limited, another private military corporation, to their operation, and an ex-KGB team called Alpha Firm earlier acquired by Defense Systems Limited.
These four teams could have been used on 9/11, part of a “corporatizing” of black ops in tandem with military teams

According to whistleblower Richard Grove, who worked as a senior manager for SilverStream Software on Marsh and AIG accounts, Kroll also managed the Enron fraud once Kenneth Lay stepped down

Marsh, immediately after 9/11, established a specialized terrorism team called Marsh Crisis Consultancy (led by L. Paul Bremer III), adding the teams Control Risks Group, a British ex-SAS team and Versar, bio-terrorism and homeland defense team.
These players could have known each other from 9/11, bringing in new assignments and profits

Democratic Underground also reports, AIG allegedly was laundering drug money, and was involved in the Afghanistan oil and gas pipelines.
Greenberg and the Adnan Khasshogi family allegedly benefited from the Afghanistan narcotics trade and interests in the oil and gas pipelines, as well

Greenberg’s Law Firm Connections to Bush

According to www. sourcewatch. org, the Greenbergs were and are connected to the Bush Familia via their Miami-based law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP, a 1,350-lawyer, full-service international firm. Here are a few connects . .

1) G-T represented George W.
Bush in the Bush-Gore 2000 Florida election vote recount

2) They personally represent Florida Governor Jeb Bush

3) They hired son of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on Election Day 2000 -- after which Justice Scalia cast one of the 5 to 4 deciding votes that placed Bush in the White House

4) They partially funded/sponsored a delegation to Israel by House-Senate Armed Services Committee members and government contractors to witness and be briefed on interrogations resistance procedures and torture techniques

5) The firm has prominent administrative positions in Massachusetts 9/11 Fund, which also involves Bush family banking house Brown Brothers Harriman (the same BBH involved with Prescott Bush’s bankrolling the Nazis in World War II)

6) Traurig Greenberg works with 9-11 victims on planning their US government “hushmail/bribery estates.” That is, to receive the money, the victim’s family must sign an agreement never to sue the government for any reason.
Victim-wife Ellen Mariani is currently being legally harassed for not signing and for holding the Bush government’s feet to the fire

7) Bush still owes the Greenberg Traurig firm nearly $1 million for work done by dozens of lawyers and paralegals, leaving questions why a Republican candidate would hire a Democratic lawyer from a Democratic firm.
See Greenberg Traurig link above for more scandals

Greenberg’s Relationship to Larry Silverstein

On July 24, 2001, six weeks before 9/11, Larry Silverstein took control of the lease of all the WTC buildings.
This followed the Port Authority decision on April 26

According to democraticunderground. com, the three companies who originally insured the WTC were AIG, Marsh and ACE, all run as mentioned by the Greenbergs at the time.
They then sold stakes of the original contract to their competition, a technique called reinsuring

Once the Towers came down, the reinsurers got caught holding the bag.
This would inextricably tie the Greenbergs to Silverstein and the larger conspiracy of 9/11 If they had no foreknowledge of events to occur, why would the Greenbergs have unloaded so many stakes in their contract?

According to Michel Chossudovsky in Financial Bonanza behind the 9/11 Tragedy, “On October 17, 2000, eleven months before 9/11, Blackstone Real Estate Advisors, of The Blackstone Group, L.P, purchased, from Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association, the participating mortgage secured by World Trade Center, Building 7.1.
” [Blackstone in 2000 also purchased a 50 percent stake in Universal Studios, producers of the myth-perpetuating Flight 93]

“April 26, 2001 the Port Authority leased the WTC for 99 years to Silverstein Properties and Westfield America Inc

“The transaction was authorised by Port Authority Chairman Lewis M. Eisenberg. This transfer from the New York and New Jersey Port Authority was tantamount to the privatisation of the WTC Complex. The official press release described it as ‘the richest real estate prize in New York City history.
’ The retail space underneath the complex was leased to Westfield America Inc

“On 24 July 2001, 6 weeks prior to 9/11 Silverstein took control of the lease of the WTC following the Port Authority decision on April 26

“Silverstein and Frank Lowy, CEO of Westefield Inc. took control of the 10.
6 million-square-foot WTC complex

"Lowy leased the shopping concourse called the Mall at the WTC, which comprised about 427,000 square feet of retail space”

“Explicitly included in the agreement was that Silverstein and Westfield ‘were given the right to rebuild the structures if they were destroyed'’

“In this transaction, Silverstein signed a rental contract for the WTC over 99 years amounting to 3.2 billion dollars in installments to be made to the Port Authority: 800 million covered fees including a down payment of the order of 100 million dollars. Of this amount, Silverstein put in 14 million dollars of his own money.
The annual payment on the lease was of the order of 115 million dollars

“In the wake of the WTC attacks, Silverstein is suing for some $7.1 billion in insurance money, double the amount of the value of the 99 year lease.
” In fact, some $5 billion was actually returned, given the multiple court-case protests of the insurers

“The mortgaging of the WTC was handled by The Blackstone Group, headed by Peter J. Peterson, current head of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The Blackstone Group also bought a piece of Kroll in 1993 at the very same time AIG took over majority control.
Henry Kissinger sits on the board of the Blackstone Group”

By his own admission Silverstein had Tower 7 pulled by controlled internal demolition eight hours after the first two hits. No plane hit Tower 7. There were two small fires in it that were under control. In fact, it takes weeks, months to set up a building to be pulled. So his order to “pull it” catches him in a huge lie. Tower 7 may have been the nexus of the operations. That may have been the real reason to pull it. In fact, it may have been set up weeks in advance with Towers 1 and 2 for demolition.
Ironically, Tower 7 is the only tower that has been rebuilt, and more opulently than its predecessor, although tenancy is about 18 percent

Towers Taken Down for Profit and to Blame Muslims

Given the involvement of the Greenbergs and Silverstein, and other commercial entities that stood to profit hugely, it is difficult to believe 9/11 occurred at the hands of 19 rag-tag Muslims with box-cutters and the help of their leader, Osama bin Laden, sitting in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan with his laptop and dialysis equipment.
The real reasons behind 9/11 were financial greed and the willingness to demonize Muslims for the “Pearl Harbor-type” act that would instigate America to wage a war on terror, pursuing PNAC’s (Project for a New American Century) goal of World Hegemony

The latest documentary on the WTC, The 911 Mysteries from 911WeKnow. com, provides highly convincing proof that the buildings were taken down in six fatal steps. They involved the use of high-powered explosives, including thermite and/or thermate, with techniques more advanced than those of traditional controlled-demolition companies, most likely the military’s, given their bunker buster technology. The six steps are . .

Pre-collapse sub-basement explosions
Pre-collapse interior blasts
Pre-collapse ground level explosions
Top level collapse initiation
Mid Collapse Squibs (explosions)
Final time-delayed rolls (explosions)
Without all these steps, the Towers could never have free-fallen in 10 seconds, the speed of gravity. Any obstacles or pancaking had to be eliminated otherwise the number of seconds of fall would increase dramatically. The documentary also reminds us that on February 13, 1975 there was a major fire on the 11th floor of the North Tower that did not topple it, though the loss was estimated at over $2 million, no mean event.
Check it out

It is possible that in 1996, when Securacom took over WTC security and installed a new $8.3 million security system, that the explosives and charges were also put in place.
Sitting on the board of Securacom was the director Marvin Bush, George Bush’s younger brother

In any case, this is patently the confluence of the military/industrial complex with a healthy dose of Wall Street, earning millions if not billions in put and call options on companies involved with the catastrophe, including airlines on the down (put) side and military suppliers on the up (call) side.
In addition, there is the missing gold from the basement of Tower 4, $200 million of which was retrieved, and an untold amount stolen

The real bottom line was that the Towers were two financial white elephants. And both Silverstein and Greenberg had to know that. The tenancy was dropping. They were out of date.
And most dangerously, they were asbestos bombs, loaded with the dangerous building material when they were completed in 1972-73

By law the buildings could not be taken down by internal demolition. And since it would cost a billion dollars or more to take the towers down beam by beam, it would be at great loss to the Port of Authority or its leaseholder. Thus the reasons are obvious to take WTC down in act of terror also a false-flag operation. Remember, the concept for the WTC Towers originated with the Nelson and David Rockefeller, members of the Council on Foreign Relations and among the world’s elites.
A “New Pearl Harbor” would serve those interests well

Additional Connections to Greenberg

John O’Neill, mentioned in the first paragraph, was the FBI anti-terror chief who spent years trying to track down bin Laden and “al Qaeda” members. At every point, he was stopped or frustrated by his superiors. Finally, O’Neill parted company with the FBI. Jerome Hauer, who formerly worked for Kroll, got him the job as chief of security at the WTC.
On 9/11, O’Neill lost his life in the North Tower

Mr. Hauer’s job as Kroll chief was also held by Michael Cherkasky, who came out of the New York County District Attorney’s Office, which also brought us Rudy Giuliani, Elliot Spitzer and Patrick Fitzgerald. Mr. Cherkasky also brought Mr. Spitzer into the NYC County DA’s office. Today Cherkasky is a substantial contributor to Spitzer’s campaign for New York State Governor.
Cherkasky was bumped up to head Marsh McLennan in 2004

As an aside, there were about 200 electrical engineers working in the World Trade Center around the time.
Additionally, AMEC and Tully Construction played a major role in the clean up of Ground Zero and both have specialized controlled demolition companies

Lastly, can you believe that one of the Council on Foreign Relations members who engaged President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran in a debate about the holocaust at CFR’s reception last week was none other than Hank Greenberg, who said he witnessed the Dachau camp as Germany fell? Could it all possibly be payback and then some?

Ron Paul Offers Paulian Revolution

September 21st, 2008 10:35 am | by Marc Gallagher | Published in Activism, Constitution, History, Liberty, Maven Commentary, Philosophy, Politics, Ron Paul, Socialism, campaign for liberty | Comment

Paulian Revolution In Overdrive

Copernicus is credited with being the first to formulate that planet earth was not at the center of the universe as had been widely believed before him. He insisted that the sun was at the center instead. This became known in science as the Copernican Revolution, which “is often regarded as the starting point of modern astronomy and the defining epiphany that began the Scientific Revolution“. Ron Paul is a modern day Copernicus offering anyone who will listen a world view that is vastly different from the conventional wisdom of the day. He is offering a Paulian Revolution.

Today, the masses in the U.S. believe that America itself is (figuratively) at the center of the world. The modern U.S. government acts like this is true more and more as time moves onward. With overseas military interventions, overseas diplomatic interventions, and the self defeating welfare of foreign aid America has positioned itself as a kind of God country to all the other countries on earth. The problem being not all of those countries wish to worship God America. Ron Paul is trumpeting the folly of this philosophy.

Copernicus published a book introducing his theory of the universe called “On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres“. Ron Paul has given us his own treatise on the modern day political universe with “The Revolution: A Manifesto“. Copernicus was obsessed with astronomy but it was not his main occupation. He was also as mathematician, physician, classical scholar, translator, governor, military leader, diplomat and economist. Likewise Paul is not just a Congressman. He is also an economist and physician.

The financial sector bailouts mounting week by week signals a surge towards socialism/fascism and away from the America of our founders. The more melodramatic among us claim that it is the end of America as we know it. Ron Paul has been warning about such things since the 1970’s citing his own firm knowledge in Austrian economics.

Unlike Copernicus Ron Paul never worried about being viewed as extreme. According to history Copernicus was quite apprehensive about publishing his own scientific revolutionary text fearing it would not be widely accepted. Ron Paul, on the other hand, withstood being booed, openly mocked, and laughed at as he proudly aired his positions during his primary campaign. His willingness to stand up for his beliefs is now legendary, even making the urban dictionary through the term "paulism".

The question remains how much of a movement the Paulian Revolution will become. It has been suggested that political and economic conditions are ripe for such a movement to gain widespread appeal. It is difficult to admit but much of Ron Paul’s Revolution has been conducted within a vacuum since his campaign ended. There is very little continued awareness of it amongst the general disengaged voting public.

His dedicated supporters have continued their efforts with participation in Paul’s Campaign For Liberty, but this movement will not be made overnight. It is not a sprint, but a mid-summer marathon through mountainous terrain while wearing snowshoes. There will be baby steps forward and giant steps backward. The bottom line is that it is very difficult to turn around a century of incremental executive imperialism and a culture of government dependence in a few years.

It’s also a bit too soon to attempt an evaluation of such an effort. Neither the darkest detractors nor the unrealistic pie in the sky supporters can claim to have a handle on the outcome on something that is still in its developmental stages. What cannot be disputed is that Ron Paul has mostly inadvertently created a core group of well educated staunch supporters that will try to steer this Titanic of Tyranny towards the Isle of Sweet Liberty.

Whether the Paulian Revolution catches on enough to change fundamental beliefs like Copernicus’ own revolution did so many years ago remains to be seen. Copernicus had it easy compared to what Ron Paul is up against. Copernicus had science on his side. Paul needs political sentiment on his side. In an era when the trend is toward more government instead of less, more central planning instead of less, and more redistribution of wealth instead of less it is quite refreshing to have someone like Ron Paul. In a time when freedom is pushed into the shadows in the name of the greater good at least someone is speaking out for you, me, and liberty.

May we all live to see a day when the Paulian Revolution reaches critical mass.