Thursday, September 11, 2008

ZERO: An Investigation Into 9/11


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Myron Fagan exposes the hidden government

911 Revisited

Forcing West Bank Palestinians Into Gaza Concentration Camp

10 Sept.'08: Israel Implements New Permit Regime and Policy of Forcible Transfer of Palestinians from the West Bank to the Gaza Strip

In the past year Israel has escalated its policy of separating the Palestinian populations of the Gaza Strip and West Bank from each other. The separation regime tears families apart, puts thousands at risk of expulsion to the Gaza Strip and turns Palestinians into "illegal aliens" in their own home. This policy is revealed in a position paper published on Wednesday 10 September by human rights organizations HaMoked and B'Tselem.

As of November 2007, Israel requires Palestinians whose registered address is in Gaza to apply for a temporary permit to remain in the West Bank. This, even if they have lived in the West Bank for many years, established their homes there, and, in some cases even if they were born in the West Bank. Moreover, in the past year, the military has taken active measures to locate and expel Palestinians from the West Bank to the Gaza Strip under the pretext that they are "illegal aliens."

Israel is exploiting the hardship of families that are split between the West Bank and Gaza Strip to force them to move to Gaza permanently. Israel requires Palestinians wishing to enter Gaza to sign an undertaking never to return to the West Bank. On the other hand, Palestinians from Gaza wishing to enter the West Bank for medical treatment, family visits etc., are required to deposit a large sum of money to guarantee their return to Gaza. For example:

---A Gazan bride and her parents who wanted to travel to the West Bank for the wedding ceremony were required to deposit NIS 20,000 to guarantee their return to Gaza – including the bride.

---A resident of Qalqiliya wishing to enter the Gaza Strip to visit her ailing husband was informed by the military that the visit would be approved only if she undertook never to return to her home in the West Bank.

---A man, originally from Hebron, who resides with his wife and children in the Gaza Strip visited his mother in the West Bank. When he asked to return home, the military refused to let him go to Gaza or to let his family from Gaza come to Hebron. After a year of separation, the military said the father would be allowed to return to Gaza if he signs an undertaking never to return to the West Bank.

The High Court of Justice has recently backed Israel's policy of denying Palestinian residents of the Territories the right to choose where they wish to reside, live with their families, and travel between Gaza and the West Bank. In the past, the Court accepted army-imposed restrictions on Palestinian movement, but made efforts to promote compromises between the parties. This has changed and in its rulings the Court now puts its seal of approval on Israel's policy which blocks passage entirely.

HaMoked and B'Tselem demand that Israel immediately renew freedom of movement between the two parts of the Occupied Territory and avoid any forcible transfers from the West Bank to the Gaza Strip. The international community must protest the violation of Palestinians' rights to freedom of movement, to family life and to choose where they wish to live and take action to secure these rights.

Israeli-American Government

Where have all the neo-cons gone? They're not visible anymore. It appears they have successfully maneuvered to avoid further detection by launching a preemptive attack against those still tracking their distinctive footprints on America's disastrous foreign policy. In a frontal assault on their detractors, they have now taken to smearing their adversaries as anti-Semites while regrouping as a new political force under new banners. They now insist on being called 'mavericks', 'reformers', 'conservative ideologues', 'Republican hawks', etc... None dare call them neo-cons.

To the casual observer, it might appear that the neo-cons have been chastened by a few encounters with the FBI, their abysmal failures in Iraq, and their not so secret role in corrupting intelligence to market the war. Yet, every time someone writes their obituary, they show up at the funeral as pallbearers. The day after you bury their neo-con skeletons, they are resurrected as rosy cheeked 'Republican mavericks'.

Of course, the most vulnerable among the neo-cons have gone into hibernation. Richard Perle was embroiled in the Hollinger embezzlement scandal along with Conrad Black, the publisher of the Jerusalem Post. Perle apparently made off with a sizzling five million dollars - a pittance compared to the fortune siphoned off by Lord Black. At the Pentagon, Paul Wolfowitz is no longer making waves. These days, he rarely ventures out in public to threaten the Arabs, bully the Turks, warn the Russians or smear the French; he most likely is in bed with his mistress.

Douglas Feith, one of the masterminds behind the lies that led America to attack Iraq warded off charges that he had a role in spying for Tel Aviv and in outing Valerie Plame. In his defense, Abe Foxman and the Jewish lobby have flexed their muscle to kill any further probing of AIPAC/neo-con/Israeli spy operations.

To those who still doubt the political supremacy of the fourth estate, the neo-con faithful at New York Times and The Washington Post have always demonstrated that they can provide immunity even to those Zionist Likudniks implicated in acts of treason.

The neo-cons are strange even by the standards of the Israeli lobby. Their tiny cabal is more a cult than a political movement. Even their detractors admire their fanatical patriotism to their country - Israel.

Because of their primary allegiance to Israel, the neo-cons feel no remorse about the outcome in Iraq. For them, America's quagmire and Iraq's misery are a fabulous success story. They got most of what they wanted and their Zionist brethren in Tel Aviv are ecstatic about the results. While many ordinary Americans are concerned about the increasing toll in blood and treasure - these Likudnik fanatics are celebrating. They have every reason to gloat, break out the champagne and hang up a 'mission accomplished' sign.

From left to right: William Kristol, Richard Perle, Ari Fleischer, Israeli Prime Minister and Mass-Murderer Ariel Sharon, Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Douglas Feith

After 9/11, the Israel Firsters were alarmed by the emergence of an unprecedented international coalition that rallied around the United States. It gave them no comfort when Le Monde ran front-page headlines proclaiming that "We Are All Americans". Their fear was that their Likudnik agenda would be diluted by a comprehensive universal approach to dealing with the root causes of terrorism.

Israeli Prime Minister "THE BUTCHER" Sharon at the time was quick to react to the emergence of this international alliance, which threatened to encroach on his expansionist fantasies. He warned that Israel would not cave in to international pressures to grant the Palestinian people their rights to an independent state. His neo-con moles in the Bush administration immediately rallied and dismantled the international coalition in favor of a more manageable 'coalition of the willing' made up of Bush, Blair and Sharon.

By far, the biggest feather in the neo-cons' hat came from their incredible success in isolating the United States from her traditional European allies and the many other nations that rallied to America's cause after the catastrophe of 9/11. As a result, American and British soldiers were standing shoulder to shoulder in Iraq with a forty-man contingent from Tonga and a few dozen Mongolian warriors.

By focusing on Iraq, the neo-cons gave Sharon plenty of elbowroom to continue battering the Palestinians. The Israeli government took full advantage of the world's distraction to confiscate more native land, routinely kill Palestinian civilians, assault foreign journalists, murder American and British peace activists, demolish thousands of homes and build a Palitentiary wall to segregate the Christian and Muslim Arab natives into open-air internment camps. All under the banner of bringing freedom and democracy to the 'Greater Middle East'.

Getting the opportunity to stoke the flames of anti-Arab racism and anti-Islamic bigotry was also considered a distinct advantage by the neo-cons. It created a favorable global environment for the continued repression and humiliation of the Palestinian people.

The neo-cons even managed to squeeze in hundreds of millions of dollars of supplemental aid to Israel to compensate for Sharon's 'losses' from the first Iraq war. If the neo-cons ever believed that Iraq had chemical weapons, they are now satisfied that Israel retains its Middle Eastern monopoly on WMDs - including an arsenal of hundreds of nuclear bombs.

Of course, Wolfowitz and his gang didn't get all the items on their wish list. Almost immediately after the fall of Baghdad, they started agitating for an assault on Syria and Iran. That wasn't going to happen - at least not immediately. Still, all in all, it is not a bad score card for the tiny Zionist Likudnik cabal that operates under the neo-con neon sign. In their estimate, when America loses a mile and Israel gains an inch, it makes for an excellent journey.

Even if the neo-cons were permanently exiled from the Pentagon and the State Department, they would forever boast of how so few of them did so much for the cause of Israel and Ariel Sharon, the patron saint of the Jewish Zionist priesthood.

If we were to take into account that Israelis have a nasty habit of electing war criminals to the highest office in the land - what if anything would that say about Jewish values? If we took a historical account of genocide against native people, Soviet gulags, Nazi concentration camps and plain old collateral damage and free fire zones - what could we conclude if anything about western culture?

The catastrophic success of the neo-cons in escalating their profitable conflicts in the Middle East to a war of civilizations should create serious questions in serious minds about the national origin of their neo-conservative ideology. Enough people have already noticed that their agenda is not an American agenda. So, it is natural that they have taken heed of the heat and retreated to other quarters to market their wares under new 'conservative Republican' labels. And if Obama wins, they will certainly posture as 'Democratic hawks' - returning to their land of birth as 'Scoop Jackson Democrats'

Whatever label they choose for marketing their policies will not change their basic mission to promote Israeli interests. A neo-con is a neo-con is a neo-con. And a Zionist is a Zionist is a Zionist. And they are all one and the same.

Now Americans must open an inquiry on what part Israel played in the 9-11 False Flag Attacks against Americans, since only Israel has benefited immensely from it.

Original Post By
myspace. com/xxxx101

9/11 Missing Links: The Real Enemy Pt. 7/12

Reichstag 911: Israeli Involvement

Israeli spies knew about 911

The Cause of Effect: Hijacking Humanity

The Series Introduction of The Cause of Effect : Hijacking Humanity, Chapter 1 of the series, titled, "Do As We Say, Not As We Do" presents the main argument of the film, that a few people in positions of power can manipulate the masses, and analyzes exactly how and why they would do so.

An important part of The Cause of Effect : Hijacking Humanity, Chapter 2 of the series, titled, "It's a Rich Man's World.. Government?" presents evidence about the North American Union, as well as a brief history on Currency and the Banking Banksters who control our money today.

The most interesting and information laden chapter of The Cause of Effect : Hijacking Humanity, Chapter 3 of the series, titled simply, "Commerce & Law" presents an alternative take on how our Law System works, especially in relation to money, as well as examining the concepts of Law of the Land (Common Law) and Law of the Water (Admiralty Law) and which is used to govern us today.

"Hijacking Humanity Final Cut" Chapter 4 - 911 Conspiracy and The Push Towards Final Global Consolidation. The Elites are making their last big push to fulfill their 150+ years-old plan to dominate and enslave the human race under their System of Global Governance, ruling through Law, Commerce, Currency, and Media Manipulation. All of these aspects came together for the Trigger Event, which was the 911 Attacks. As we see different mechanisms of the Elitest Game come to fruition, we realize more and more that this new era's rules are ultimately based on the Lie that is the Official Story of 911.

The conclusion to The Cause of Effect - Hijacking Humanity Final Cut, Chapter 5 closes the film, putting the previous information into actionable context, leaving the viewer empowered to act and further their research into the subject matter covered.

911: The Falling Man